We’re pleased to announce we’ve joined 1% for the Planet as of July 2021. 1% for the Planet is a global network of businesses, individuals, and nonprofit organisations committed to tackling the greatest environmental challenges facing our planet. This means we're committing to donating at least 1% of our revenue—not just profits—every year towards non-profit charities that support the environment.You can now shop knowing that a percentage of your order value is going towards conserving our planet. “This should be a cost of doing business. It’s paying rent for our use of the planet.” Yvon Chouinard – Founder of 1% for the Planet With the pandemic and a seemingly endless stream of lockdowns here in Melbourne and around the world, it’s been easy to forget that climate change is still the biggest threat to our existence. Without proactive action from governments, businesses, companies and corporations, we're at risk of exceeding the 2°C global warming threshold that was agreed upon under the 2015 Paris Agreement as early as 2034.[1] If we continue along our current trajectory, we're likely to see a global temperature rise of over 3°C by 2070.[2] Climate protection and sustainable business practices have always been a priority for us. We have set some environmental goals we are proactively working towards achieving as a business. What we’re currently working on Carbon Neutral Shipping: As an online store, shipping is a crucial part of our business model. However, transport and logistics are estimated to be responsible for over 16% of global greenhouse gas emissions every year.[3] Our current goal is to offset all carbon emissions we contribute through shipping our products by 2022. What you can do personally Compost At Home: The mailers your jewels arrive in are certified home-compostable. Just remove any non-compostable labels. Some city councils allow compostable waste to be placed in your green bin, but please be sure to confirm with your local council first. We’ll have more to share with you shortly. In the meantime, if you haven’t already, please consider subscribing to our newsletter for updates. If you’re new here, you’ll also get a little discount off your first purchase! Lots of love, References [1] Analysis: When might the world exceed 1.5C and 2C of global warming? [2] Future of the human climate niche [3] Emissions by sector